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"Before the DC MaxiCourse, I was just an average dentist who wanted to start placing dental implants. I exceeded that goal. This course helped me transform the way I plan, communicate and manage all of my implant cases. I owe that confidence to the training and exposure we received from practitioners who, quite frankly, are legends in implant dentistry. It was an experience that continues to have a value that exceeds the cost of the program itself. I also appreciate that I can send an email or pick up the phone to discuss a case. At the end of the day, that is something that all of us want when we’re looking for a great course." 


"One of the benefits of this MaxiCourse, it is one of the very few in the world, where we can do hands on treatment as part of the course, with the guidance of Dr. Dunson and his colleagues. It is a wonderful experience of education, book learning and at the same time, real life experiences which is invaluable. Do yourself a favor and join the DC MaxiCourse."


"I took the DC MaxiCourse to expand my knowledge of implant dentistry and to network. A particular area I was interested in learning more about was sinus lifts and I was able to do my 1st lateral wall sinus augmentation during the course. That was one of the coolest things I've ever done so far. I've also met so many new people and Dr. Dunson is fabulous and great in communicating and keeping in touch and he's always there to help you even after the course. I definitely recommend the DC MaxiCourse!"


"I took the DC MaxiCourse in 2018, and in 2022 I became a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry. The DC MaxiCourse helped propel me in my implant career and prepared me for my board exam. But more importantly it gave me an in-depth foundation to build on. We were able to perform implant surgeries on our own patients during the course with a difficulty level appropriate for each one of us. Some placed their first implant. Others were doing more advanced procedures like block bone grafting, sinus lifts etc. And compared to a "weekend" course where you get a handpiece in your hand and start placing implants we also got an in-depth theoretical knowledge and understanding of implants dentistry that helps set you up for future success. The faculty members were all excellent speakers that were all well known and respected clinicians without commercial bias. I highly recommend this for anybody wanting to elevate their implant dentistry to the next level."


"DC Maxicourse is the best out of all. Thanks to Dr. Dunson for everything I have learned and sharing all his experience. After this Maxicourse, I have gained a lot of confidence in performing complex cases, and have gained support from the best in the implant world. My first lateral wall sinus lift and first ridge augmentation and vertical sinus lift, all learned from the best of the best. My experience was best because Dr. Dunson provided many clinical sessions, which is very important to perform from what we learn and implement immediately in upcoming sessions. Also, I still have support from Dr. Dunson after the Maxicourse was complete. I was able to publish my first article in PubMed with his guidance and it was next level. I would encourage all of you if you haven’t been part of DC Maxicourse. It was a terrific experience. "


"I've been in practice 20 years and have done a lot of dental education over the last 20 years of practice. I can't highly recommend the DC MaxiCourse enough. It is very comprehensive and went through every phase of dental implants. It is very helpful toward your goal if you want to be come a Fellow."


"If you are looking for a comprehensive understanding of implant dentistry then this is the course for you. I had a great learning experience through the DC Maxicourse. I was taught by the top notch implant speakers in the world. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to enhance their knowledge and skill set in implant dentistry."


"I participated in the DC Maxicourse back in 2019 and although it was a large commitment for time and an investment financially, it was so well worth it. I was not new to implant dentistry but I wanted to be able to elevate my game with complicated challenging cases with additional grafting and sinus lift knowledge and procedures. Dr. Dunson and Dr. Kimowitz are excellent clinicians as well as teachers and this was what I was able to do through a thorough learning of all the basic concepts again and moving into the complicated concepts. I was able to do live surgeries on patients. They gave me one on one teaching while performing the procedures. If you are interested in getting into implant dentistry or in just elevating your implant knowledge and ability to perform more complex procedures, then I highly recommend taking the Washington, DC MaxiCourse with Dr. Bernee Dunson!"




"I was very impressed with this course and the instructors. This was the most comprehensive and best educational experience I’ve ever had. Dr. Dunson, along with all of the instructors truly have a love for teaching and are skilled, knowledgeable and approachable. I learned so much about treatment planning and managing complications as well gaining the clinical experience of placing implants. Highly recommend this course."


"I have taken lots of implant courses in both restorative and surgical in the past. DC Maxicourse by far was the best among all of them. It gave me the confidence that I was lacking to place and restore implants myself from single implant to full arch. When I took the course in 2018, we had the opportunity to listen to lots of well known nationally and internationally speakers from surgery, perio, restorative and managing the complications. This course made it possible to place implants not only on cadavers but also on live patients under the supervision of well known implant experts. If I had the time, I would take the new course being offered again in D.C. I would highly recommend the course no matter at what level of your implant journey you are."


"I took the DC Maxi course directly after dental school in 2019 and it was one of the biggest catalysts in my growth as an implant dentist. The course was very comprehensive and touched on all facets of implant dentistry in good detail, from diagnosis, planning, surgery, supplementary procedures and site development, to prosthetic delivery. After taking this course I felt like I had a solid foundation to begin placing implants in private practice. The course director, Dr. Bernee Dunson, is a great teacher and has the resources to bring in the top clinicians in their area of expertise to lecture and instruct. A few of the weekends we did live surgery and got hands-on experience (we did have to bring our own patients or treat patients that were sourced from some local doctors). Overall a great course that will give you a solid foundation in implant dentistry."


“I attended the DC MaxiCourse in 2019.  At the time I lived and worked in Bridgeport, WV and practiced 2 days a week in Pittsburgh, PA. While it was challenging at times to balance this commitment and work, the flexibility of the program and its condensed topics was absolutely worthwhile and outstanding. Being a foreign-trained oral surgeon with previous experience and knowledge of surgical procedures of dental implants, the restorative work was a maze to me. I found a great team of mentors, who were very knowledgeable and quite friendly, who upgraded and reshaped my dental implant information. I met the experts and was exposed to the most up-to-date clinically based evidence studies and research. If you’re a recent dental graduate or a specialist looking for more advanced training in implant dentistry, this course is a fit for you.”


"I began the DC Maxicourse while in my final year of dental school in 2018. This course provided an excellent foundation to propel me forward in my journey as an implant dentist. The course drastically changed my treatment planning coming out of dental school and allowed me to significantly increase my ability to diagnose and work up a case. The lectures provided an avenue for this and even moreso, the mentorship from the instructors allowed me to progress forward very quickly. After several years and several hundred implants later, I am an Associate Fellow of the AAID and working towards becoming a Diplomate in the ABOI. Dr. Dunson and the instructors care about the progress of each student and the nature of the course being more than a "weekend experience" really provides room for them to help you grow. I have recommended this course to many colleagues already and would highly recommend it to anyone who asks, no matter where you are in your implant journey.


"I have very high regards for the DC Maxicourse. It helped build a strong foundation for me in implant dentistry, connected with me some amazing mentors, and helped me find a lifelong friend that I take other implant CE courses with. It was great didactically, and I got great hands-on experience as well, doing multiple implant surgeries throughout the course. It has motivated me to pursue more implant education and to one day be credentialed as an implant specialist. "


"I would like to share my sincerest gratitude and appreciation for the amazing comprehensive learning experience obtained as a result of completing the DC Maxi Course.  Dr. Dunson along with the assembled faculty represent over 100 years of cumulative knowledge and thousands of highly successful complex implant cases. Their experience and drive for teaching have forever shaped my career and thirst to pursue continuing education. Moreover, lifelong connections formed with colleagues and the faculty continue to serve as a great resource for career development and case planning. Thank you once again for providing such a wonderful educational platform."  


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